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The_vagabond7 said:
DMeisterJ said:
@ Kirby007

Every post that is "win" is one that sheds sony in a bad light... So sad.
 Umm, he was saying my post is full of win, and i wasn't Sony bashing at all. I actually think there is a good chance the PS3 will actually start to gain on the 360 in 08, but there is alot of things to speculate on and theorize about. I figured he called my post "win" because I was trying to present a balanced and at least somewhat thought out view of what may happen in 08 and why.  The PS3 is building momentum, MS needs to take steps to counter act that....what a terrible light I shed on the PS3! He may do that, I dunno, I don't really pay attention, but in this case the post he said was full of win had no intention of showing sony in a bad light, but rather quite the opposite saying that they are starting to mount an offensive against the 360 and MS needs to fight back. 


exactly is was a post of an exellent class A+++

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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