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KruzeS said:
windbane said:

Ah, so the OS was holding the superior processors back. That must be it...

Man, you are a pain. Wanna compare processors directly? Go have look at benchmarks. Not that they're specially meaningful, but at least they're the standard way of doing that. Looking at the minimum requirements of a 3 years old game that claims to work on 6 years old hardware equipped with a 56k modem, no matter how successful said game is, is certainly not the way (if anything it shows power does not equate with success!)

If you do decide to go about this intelligently, you'll look at some benchmarks. If you do, you'll find out that, in integer performance, a 600Mhz G3 can, for some benchmarks, be comparable to something like a 1Ghz P3. You'll also find out that the memory performace is worse on the G3, and that the floating point performance sucks balls too. But, as you should know, the Gekko is not just your old G3 - it's a souped up one. If you were curious enough to look at the differences you'd find out they improved the floating point unit, and added a vector unit. If you knew anything about processors, you'd know that these are both things that the P3 has, and surprise, surprise!, stuff that helps with games. You would also find out, that the memory used on the consoles is very fast, and that very little is known about extra improvements potentialy made for the Wii. But I guess you won't do any of this, nor believe me either, so there's no point in arguing with you any more. You go on believing as you wish.

Finally, I'll just repeat this. There is no question the Wii is ridiculously less powerful than either the 360 or the PS3. But to say that the Wii is clearly less powerful than the original Xbox is just silly - that is not clear, at all. Wanna keep on saying that it's barely more powerful? Please do, if that pleases you. Cause really, who cares? If anything is clear, is that this battle is not being fought, and won, on power. Lets see how fast the Wii outsells the original Xbox LTD? 18 months is a guess...

Even if a 600MHz Apple proc is equal to a 1GHz Intel proc (a point I don't agree with), that's fairly weak.  I'd still say the Wii is not much more powerful than an Xbox 1.   You say it's not clear, ok.

That said, I completely agree with your last paragraph.  I am not against the Wii; I plan to buy one.  I just don't see it as a next gen console and would be very sad to be without a next gen console as well.