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So the wii's demographic is poor people? And it's not competing because people with money will ignore it? Statistically that's untrue. It's been shown that wii's are owned more by people with money than lower income families. It was on IGN, some firm tracked that.

You can go ahead and pick that apart and rebut it, but seriously, trying to argue that the wii isn't competing with the 360 and PS3 is ridiculous. You may be a tech junky, you may not be interested in the wii, but it is a modern videogame console that will eat out of Sony and Microsoft's market share. A wii sold isn't just a wii sold, it's a 360 or a PS3 not sold. If it wasn't competing then this would be a very grim time for videogames seeing as how neither the 360 and PS3 are selling like a leader of a generation, but rather are selling like the last generations distant 2nd and 3rd place counterparts. The wii is this generations market leader, and that market includes the PS3 and 360. And the wii is making that market a whole lot bigger.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.