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Your expecting me to prove G-d with what? Within the limits the diciplines that man-kind made? G-d is in a completly higher and different order then the one we know... we literally can't... think about what were talking about for a minute here. Your asking me to bring G-d down to our level? That's why I kept telling you that some of these truths are meant to just be accepted.... we have to trust G-d's words on that... because it's beyond us. You have to be open to G-d. One of the reasons I believe in G-d is because his always right as far as I read. How do I know.. well because after trusting his words... you see it.

How do you know if anything you've ever read about God is true? What make's you think they're not all made-up things by the poeple who wrote them? What made you beleive in God in the first place? You say that God' existence is truth, but like I said you never had any reason to believe that in the first place. Your logic is basically non-existent.

About my dog question, my point is you were willing to believe me... someone you practically don't know at all... I could look like anyone in the world... could be person with little to no credibilty for being honest for all you know ... but you believed me. Some guy that's definitely well below G-d... now if you can try to do that with G-d... read what he has to say and see how he see's things then you can actually see he is right and truth.

In this particular case your word is proof enough. The dog is yours. Now in the case of God, well I for one never heard God say anything. Neither have you actually. You;ve just read some books written by people, and blindly accepted that those were the words of God.

This might sound strange but..

You might be struggling with doubt right at this moment struggling believing what I said above... fight that.. .by saying Jesus Christ...

Struggling? Not at all. What you're saying is so illogical that I have no problem whatsoever seeing how wrong you are. And are you actually trying to convert me? Isn't that against forum rules or somethin'?

I've seen demons before and that always scares them, but you probably won't see them.

Ok... Now you scare me. Have you ever thought about going to see a psychiantrist?

I'm done here, see you around the forum.

I'm done too. Don't bother replying to me. And please visit a speicalist about your hallucinations.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"
