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c03n3nj0 said:

Vetteman94 said:

I never left my house,  you are either making this up or got your information is for someone else.

I was actually waiting for this so I am going to tell everyone what my real limitation was.   I only eluded to it before but never came right out and said it.   I only have the ability to kill 2 people,  than I was to turn into a regular townie.   Hence why I said I couldnt kill last night. 

Oh, what a coincidence that you now say you can't kill at all, when the SK is dead and there won't be any more "other" kills. Vetteman, you are either unlucky or you're trying to  cover your bases. The latter makes a lot more sense. 

On a different note, I want stefls to explain how his role works again, 'cause I'm a bit confused by that. 

Well I never completely revealed what my limitations where,  and I realize how bad it looks, especially now with the SK dead.  But I have already said,  I have no problems dying to prove my innocence.  

I taunted the mafia into killing me last night with the prospect of me having another possible kill,  knowing full well that I didnt, and that it wouldnt be that bad if I died.  But it works out better now,  because when I get lynched and it shows up as Liu Kang - Town Vigilante,  i would have exposed a mafia member in Stefl1504,  something I could not do with my killing powers.