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Smeags said:

I think that the Marvel Universe fits much better together (ala the Avengers and Co.) than the DC Universe does (Justice League), moreso because the Avenger's stories seem relevant. Everytime I read something about The Justice League it's about some extradimensional threat bent on destroying the universe (coming from *shock* another alternate Earth) and... uh... zzz... gurgle... hm? I just don't see it being relevant to me, so I can never get into it (However, Tower of Babel was great... because it takes place on one Earth, and Batman theoretically kicks butt).

For the avengers, we have stuff like Civil War, Secret Invasion, and Seige which I find to be fantastic stories that incompass all of the Avengers.

Still, if it's one comic universe I love beyond all others, It's gotta be Batman's universe. Gotham City is wonderful to be a part of (although I would never want to live there, and I continue to wonder why anyone does. ) Batman is great, and the villains are ever greater. Besides Jim Gordon, I'm not too fond of Batman's supporting cast (Batman always works the best when he's alone ).

My favorite Batman Graphic novels are...

1. The Long Halloween
2. Year One
3. The Killing Joke
4. Dark Victory
5. Arkham Asylum

My favorite Batman Villains are...

1. Scarecrow
1. Two-Face (I really can't put one in front of the other, they're both so great!)
3. The Joker
4. The Riddler
5. Hush

Yeah.  That's a pretty legit claim against the DCU.  Read Identity Crisis.  It was a truly human story that involved a lot of the DCU's most powerful characters and the enemy was just one person with no super powers (READ THIS STORY!).  Then, they tried to hard to top themselves.  Infinite Crisis-threat against all reality-but it was well done.  Sinestro War-threat against the entire galaxy.  Okay.  Fine.  Final Crisis-threat against the entire world.  Didn't make any sense.  Blackest Night-threat against the entire world AND everyone who died has come back.  Add to that the Zero Hour (reboot everything again), Underworld Unleashed (The Devil himself makes deals with the villains), and the other earth shattering storylines, and suddenly those storylines lose their luster.

But Marvel isn't totally innocent, either.  Their stories of late have been better but then they have their Age of Apocalypse, House of M, Heroes Reborn, etc. stories that always end up being a dream/alternate future.  They have their Watchmen/Incredibles rip-off's where superhumans are outlawed.  They have their WTF moments like Spiderman making a deal with the devil (the actual Devil, too!) to change reality and get out of being married.  And overpowered characters like Galactus and Thanos (when he had the Infinity Gauntlet) are abound, too.

You just have to pick and choose.  Both universes have their human stories.  Even Superman has some of the most down to earth stories you can find.  Both have their time traveling, hero killing, "we're going to change everything" stories, too.  But DC has Batman .  DC wins.