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gergroy said:
postofficebuddy said:


If 360 see's a moderate drop-off in Americas and and PS3 a slight rise they could be close to tied this week or within about 10k-20k. Japan is hard to say, could be anywhere from a 35k lead to 50k plus. PS3 has a VERY good shot at outselling Wii.


wow, how much systems do you think japan sells?  japan usually only moves about 20 to 25k on average each week as far as ps3's go, unless there is some big game release.  With the 360 pulling about 6k from there they usually are only up by about 19k from there.  I'd expect the margin to be more like 60 to 70k in 360 favor worldwide.  

Allow me to correct myself, I didn't mean this week I meant last week (7/25-7/31). And I don't think you've been keeping up with Japan news.

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