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Mr Khan said:
EntilZha said:

Comic were so much better back in the day when the cover price was 25 - 50 cents. Printed on crappy news print and available in every corner store it was great entertainment. Then the direct comic book shops came along with books on high quality paper and a cover price of $1 - $2 each. Collecting was fun until the hard core fans got carried away and bought up EVERY copy of "special" issues so they could sell them when the value went up. It got so bad you had to put your name on a waiting list to reserve a copy IF the store got enough copies. Some comic book stores would bag brand new first issues and sell them at double the cover price or more. That is when I gave up on what was a very enjoyable hobby. Lately, I have not even seen comic books for sale. Where can you buy them and what is the going price? Oh, I am not including graphic novels which I have seen in book stores.

The comic book industry crashed in the early '90s for the very reasons you left. Speculators rushed the industry upon learning how much old Golden and Silver Age comics were worth (not realizing that they were worth that much because people just threw comics out back then, causing few to survive and thus scarcity), and the industry responded by going apeshit with collector's editions and such, but the speculative bubble collapsed precisely because the industry over-responded (and since everyone was collecting the collectors' editions, they were worth little), found themselves overextended, and crashed. DC and Marvel both declared bankruptcy (i think. I'm positive DC did), and the industry has found itself locked in a niche world of collectors ever since, never recovering to the mainstream pull they had before it.


That's what the rush to make superhero movies is for. The comics themselves make no revenue, so its only worth anything if you can license the character out into a property that actually makes money

Actually, Marvel went bankrupt and DC didn't........