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The_vagabond7 said:
The PS3 is definately outperforming some earlier in the year estimations. Though While it's gaining market share on microsoft, it's not actually catching up to microsoft. Even beating MS in 2 markets, it's only running neck and neck with MS.

Though that still doesn't bode with for the 360. 08 has some heavy hitters coming out for the PS3, and that's what's going to make the fight between those two interesting. MS is going to have to be agressive in order to maintain it's lead, and I'm sure they know this. Sony has pretty much hit a wall as far as pricing goes for a while, if they ever want to make money on the PS3 they can't drop the price further, market share isn't considered a success to investors, money is. I think that will be microsofts biggest weapon, attack Sony at it's weak point. MS may be trying to wrestle away exclusives, but Sony still has most of it's biggest guns in tact as exclusive. That being said, Microsoft is more likely to go for a competetive pricing point in the next year. If Sony doesn't drop it's price then the 360 may be able to pick up momentum on it and gradually increase it's lead, or possibly force sony's hand so that they have to take drastic action and throw more money at the problem and drop the price again (which would piss off investors expecting Sony to make money at some point on the Playstation brand, and hurt them financially as a company. A result that I'm sure microsoft would also be happy with)

Either way the fight between the two will be interesting in this coming year. And while I think the wii IS competing with the other two (going after two markets instead of one doesn't disqualify it from the race), it's kind of a moot point. Who wants to argue who would win in a fight between mike tyson and billy the kid that mows your lawn? That's just not a fun discussion. However The PS3 VS the 360 in 08 is ripe with possibilities and speculation.

:) yeah, your post is full o win

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