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The US/Israeli right wing media propagandists try to make everyone believe their wars are justified in the Middle East. From a neutral perspective I regard the Middle East wars as US Imperialist terrorists attacks on Islam. The US aggressors are more than likely the real terrorists. 

The Middle East nations have every right to fight a defensive war against an invading Imperialist. The two Middle East wars are guerrilla wars which makes the element of surprise more of a match for a superior military force.

A war on Iran would be another costly exercise in many ways for the US and its allies. Expect high military casualties, high financial costs and widespread public outrage. An Iran conflict would drag on for many years and it would be wise to avoid a conflict with Iran. The US is struggling to deal with guerrillas/militia in both Iraq and Afghanistan. History has proven defensive wars are very hard to win.

Vietnam War and Korea wars: those two wars proved that the mighty US are vulnerable despite having far superior weapons and technology. Your military is only as good as the commanders who command the troops. The American commanders tend to be a few cans short of a six pack. IMO both Barrack Obama and George W. Bush and a few of those questionable military commanders are/were lacking leadership qualities.