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DRAGON AGE ORIGINS SPOILERS!!!!!! (i know its late but there may still be people who havent finished the game yet)

So Hello fellow RPG gamers!

ive just recently finished Dragon Age and i just wanted to discuss a couple of things and see what you thought of the ending. But more precise the Morrigan part of the ending and the choice you have right at the end to either sleep with her to give her child a grey warden connection thus saving the grey wardens life if he delivers the final blow to the arch demon or you can decide not to sleep with her.

So i decided to sleep with her (even though my character was in love with leliana) so my grey warden didnt perish with the final blow to the archdemon. Could someone confirm that if you dont sleep with her does you grey warden perish? and if not then how did he manage to escape the grey wardens destiny?

Also we now have Dragon Age 2 being released in march next year (which im really hyped about) do you think that the choice you made at the end of dragon age involving Morrigan have her playing a part in this story? i think that it would make sense, i mean lets face it the archdemons soul has entered her new baby and not perished so theres every chance that the baby could be the start of a new blight. what are your thoughts on this?

PSN ID: Stokesy 

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