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Bodhesatva said:

I'm pretty sure that the implication in this thread is that this shows that HD is already adopted by gamers and that this favors the PS3/360. Or at least, I'm assuming so, since most of the people pushing this thread along are PS3 supporters.

And I think that's odd, because my immediate reaction was: "If HDTVs are already this heavily adopted among gaming enthusiasts, and the Wii is still outselling the PS3 and 360,  that means that HD isn't that big a deal to most people." Am I missing something here? Because if people who own gaming consoles already have HDTVs, then Sony/Microsoft can't count on later HDTV adoption to boost their sales. 

I think some people were counting on HDTV adoption to improve the HD console marketshare, but it now looks like that's unlikely to occur.  

You basically hit the nail on the head ... I think this poll demonstrates 2 things:

  1. All three consoles are (for the most part) still in the early adopter stage. It is likely that you would find that 50%+ of these console owners polled owned more than 1 current generation console, a large portion would have PCs that could play current PC games, and they would disproportionately own iPhones and iPod touches.
  2. And, as you said HD isn't a big deal to most gamers

Now, the interesting thing is that these "early adopter" types care so little about High Definition ... My sister will eventually own an HDTV because her current TV will break and HDTVs will be the only TVs on the market; she will continue to watch her VHS tapes on her (new) HDTV even though they will look like 'ass' to any of these early adopters...