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PS3 outsellls 360 year to year?  Is that why they are still behind 360 ?  If they truely outsold them they would at least be slightly ahead.  PS3 had a decent year because they released their slim model and had a small price cut.  Now Xbox 360 has done the same and is also going to have another good year.  Debates like this are prety worthless, I say everyone in doubt go look for yourself and the books and net numbers at Forbes, wallstreet.  MS as whole made much more money, for the last 3 yrs 360 has added a net profit the the bottom line ( 38 million after bills from the Xbox division) and a recent article from wallstreet points out Sony's PC and Gaming division was completely in the red this year - Red means loss folks.  Why is MS netting a profit from 360? More games sold, and 20 Million Xbox Live members rakes in cash too..