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If you don't want the gaming life of an innocent, broke teenage individual to fall apart..Please send me a message. A few kindhearted individuals have agreed to help me, but I need all the help I can get.

^^ That is what I look like right now.

The year was 2008, and I still hadn't converted to "next gen"...partly because I'm not the richest guy in the world, and my parents just don't have money to spend on video games. So after months and months after MGS4 release, I was able to convince my parents to buy me a PlayStation 3. I enjoyed every single moment I used it, and couldn't have been happier during its glory days.

Then, a month ago, tragedy struck when it got the YLOD. With no repairing service in my country, my beloved PS3 had been reduced to a paper weight. I have no other options but to seek the assistance of the VGC community, the only people I know that share the same enthusiasm about gaming, like me (everyone back here thinks its nothing but a waste of time).

The only way I can get myself a new PS3 slim is via a referral site...which I'm pretty sure its legit, judging by a completely unrelated forum (people posting how they got their free items, etc.) , and a report by the BBC about it.

Are there 11 people on VGC willing to be my referrals ? That is all I need to get myself a PS3.

I don't think its a scam, because the referral site supposedly gets paid by their advertisers, and part of that money goes towards their free gifts. How this works is, you sign up, complete one of their offers (paid or free, depending on your region and availability). Then you refer more people through your unique referral link to do the same.

This may sound fishy, but I'm willing to answer any questions you have about this.

EDIT : I made this blog to try and get me referrals... so I guess you guys can go to the site through here