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CGI-Quality said:
A Bad Clown said:
leatherhat said:

Halo paved the way for dozens of crappy console shooters that effectively killed the FPS genre quality wise. And with the new focus on generic halo or COD clones, a large number of genres have collapsed entirely. (Horror, platform, RPG etc.

It overcrowded the marketplace, ensuring that by sheer value of being different the wii would win the console race and usher in a new era of "innovative" and terrible motion controls

Its given us a generation of gamers who think that playing regnerating health easy mode 6 hour fps makes them hardcore despite having no knowledge of games as a whole

It brought paid online and a focus on releasing incomplete games then charging for missing parts via DLC, it made this the norm ensuring that companies could gouge people as much as they wanted and at worst no one would complain, though most of the time new paid content would be praised as the Dev continuing to support the game.

It quickly jumped on the motion control bandwagon with Kinect as soon as they saw how much money nintendo was making, and their fans who once derided nintendo for abandoing the core and making shovelware games now praise MS for making some of the most piss poor looking games in recent years.

Xbox is the worst thing to happen to the game industry, ecspecially if you've gamed on PC or remember how good things used to be, there is nothing positvie to say about it -even the color scheme blows.



And oddly enough CGI doesn't rant about this? He mentioned Nintendo!

I'm not sure what to make of it. On the surface, it's so outrageous that I thought he was being sarcastic. On the other hand, if it isn't, report it. I'm not a moderator nor can I be expected to critique every single post.

The crazy thing of it all, I tried to help YOU keep your thread positive about the Xbox, but have been accused of being "fake", "half-hearted", and the like. I didn't know a simple opinion would warrant such a response, then again it comes at no real surprise, for some odd reason, this place has become a warzone of late. 

If people weren't so uptight, you wouldn't have had a reason to create such a topic to begin with. Let's not forget that.

it's not outrageous? it's bold! this guy came into this thread and violated the OP'S rule/topic of discussion.

i'll go on to say 360 has games i like, but can live without.