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binary solo said:

I'm more inclined to regard any reference to selling one's soul to the devil / satan in mainstream music as referring to the recording industry; i.e. a [whatever the antonym of euphamism is] for selling out to "the man". Seriously "selling my soul to the devil to become rich and famous" you have to be 4 kinds of stupid not to see the metaphor in there. The fringy stuff I reckon is also somewhat symbolic but there must be some genuine devil worship stuff around.

It's utterly laughable to actually think there is this massive cesspool of devil worship going on in the music biz. And this is the wrong place to post this stuff, because if it's happening in the music biz you can bet it's happening in the video game biz and every other mass market entertainment medium you care to name. The music biz isn't special for having more than it's fair share of oddballs. Are there satanists in the music biz? Sure there are. Hell I know of a vet who's a satanist (pretty easy to access animals for the sacrificial rites I imagine, though not sure how that squares away with the whole animal welfare and ethics side of veterinary medicine), so why not musicians too?

Funny thing is I'm pretty sure the only people who truly belive you can contract with the devil to sell your soul for some particular advantage in this life is fundie Christians. If there really was a devil who liked to trade for souls (hmmm sounds like a game I know) then the most prized souls would be those of the fundie Christians because, in this fantasy world, fundie Christians would be the hardest souls to pwn, it would be like getting a gold trophy (or whatever the Xbox equivalent is). Getting the souls of those already corrupted enough to freely offer them up in exchange for some transitory, ephemeral gain wouldn't even be a bronze trophy. Actually the devil would probably have to gain ALL of those pre-corrupted souls within a given age just to get a bronze trophy. Actually because the devil knows those souls are in the bag already it's not even worth his while to make a deal. Better to concentrate on getting those trophy souls that he would otherwise miss out on.

So if you're not a fundie Christian and some dodgy bloke, or evil temptress comes offering you fame and riches in exchange for your immortal soul know that you're being had as much as if you believe the Nigerian millionarie e-mails, your soul already belongs to the devil so why would he bother. If you are a fundie Christian and someone comes making you a similar offer, be afraid, be very afraid, because it likely is the devil.

You're a satinist. Nothing turns you on like a pair of silky sheets.