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KylieDog said:
chenguo4 said:

It's fun and definitely worth a rent, though not a buy. I got it b/c of a $30 Best Buy sale, and with how much I've played and how far I'm in it feels more like a $20 game. There's only easy and normal, no hard, which is my biggest gripe with the game.

Also, if I remember right it's ** plat; it's not. It should be a *, no question.


Most games are overated in stars.  The flaw is that the ratings are based on and almost nobody uses the low numbers on that except the same people out to troll ratings who vote Ninja Gaiden a 1 star, you read comments like "This game is super easy, I give it a 4" which 2 stars.  Or "This game is easy but I missed a collectable so had to play through a second time, so instead of 4 I give it a 7".


Not to mention they do promote use of glitches and rate down as being easier because of it, but we are meant to frown on that here.


Prince of Persia: TFS is a great game, lots of fun, but easy as hell to play and to plat.  Can do it in one playhtrough which is about 8 hours probably, including watching cutscenes.

Well, Kylie I know you've been vocal about the difficulty ratings, but I  think in general we're doing just fine with them. I counted the stars with a couple shell commands, and there are 147 games, totaling 346 *s, for an average of 2.35. Our ratings being 1-5, we should expect an average closer to 3. So if anything, on the whole we're underrating our difficulty a little bit.

PSN: chenguo4
Current playing: No More Heroes