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Spider-Man 3 for the Wii isnt selling well because the controls make fighting too hard.  Spider-Man is/was a hard enough game with a regular controller (Remember Spider-Man 2, fighting those Mechs?).  Wii owners arent exactly looking for a challenge.  Devs and reviewers need to realize that just because you have the wiimote doesnt mean you need to use it for everything.  Super Paper Mario is a good example.  The only thing you use the wiimote for (that couldnt be on a normal controller) is pointing at the screen and some style thing i havnt got to yet (im 1/3 through).  I'm perfectly happy attacking with buttons.  Put the wii motions on things that make sense.  Attacking?  Really?  You think we want to be swiping our hands 24/7?

I also think that the "makeup" of the Wii gaming base would suprise a lot of people.  Its too bad no one does stats on that type of thing.