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Hmm, I see that WotS3 is listed as a 4 star plat, but I think it should be a solid 3 star one. While the game itself isn't too hard, it's still a good 60-70 hour plat for someone who uses a guide to get all the endings/weapons (if you don't, you're looking at another 50-60 hours probably to find all the endings/weapons yourself, but the guides are out there and you'll need to use them if you want to go for the plat). It's one of those games that is quite hard in the beginning (even if you play on Easy), but gets easier over time; in this case, once you get a good weapon and get it upgraded to like around 100 attack or so, any of the difficulties are playable. There is definitely a lot of resetting involved, as NPCs can only be killed once per playthrough and you'll need them to drop specific weapons, so that might add another 5 hours to the total.