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I loved comics as a kid but kind of fell out of love with them (and I was an uber Marvel fan late 80's, early 90's).  I have comics signed by Stan Lee, Jim Lee, Chris Claramont, and a few other people.  I tried to get back into comics a few times within the last 10 years, but just never have been really able to.

I don't have DC comics anymore like I use to just because they were DC and I've come to respect Batman as The Man, I just haven't been able to get into the comics.  I tried reading New X-Men when Grant Morrison wrote it and it was cool, but then he stopped writing it and I stopped reading it.  Since then I've tried reading various comics on and off and I either just don't feel like wasting the money on something that has zero chance of becoming collectible anymore or I just wasn't interested in what they're doing with the characters.

The I did receive issues 1 and 2 of Tag and Bink are dead today and I can't wait to get a chance to read those.