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Okay first things first: Don't go into lynching each other just because someone thinks I am innocent/guilty.

I actually don't think that I am a insane cop, since my abilities aren't that of a true cop... though the notifications I get allow me to combine wether or not the person is innocent or guilty. I can't reveal what was my result at the first night without revealing dsis role but on night two I got the message that the person (RCT) I investigated killed someone - so he was probably scum and I told you that he is guilty. On the third night I came to no result, I don't know if I was roleblocked or the person I investigated (Hatmoza) has made no night action, thats easy to clarify, Hatmoza has just to tell wether he did something tonight or if he did nothing.

I have the Ability to get the information which action was taken by the investigated person.

The Ability used by Dsis made him look pretty much innocent, though I said in my first post about him that he "might have a important role for the town", later on to go into no risks I claimed I am sure that he is town (after beeing asked by someone... i don't remember exactly who it was)

Since I did not believe there is a Vigilante in this game I did not hasitate to say that RCT is guilty.

As for me not posting... I saw the day (actually twilight) was over and I did not want to influence the outcome of tonights night actions... today I was in Vienna looking for appartments so I pretty much had no time to go onto VGC...

*notification* do not read next paragraph if you get to easily confused, I wanted to give my thinkings a chance to give any sense at all *end notification*

I pretty much hated what SM128 did yesterday, since I extra unvoted RTC... I would really like to see him dead. Maybe he had some informations he did not want to be leaked, but somehow I still don't think he is scum... for me its actually too obvious that he is scum... so thats why I asume he might be up to something... these are thos damn moments where I am totally clueless what to do... but maybe he just wants to quit the game... argh! STOP IT! I should make a final decision...

Vote: SM128

I don't really get why I vote for him, but I think his action yesterday are is not okay.

EDIT: changed are to is