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I would expect that kind of sentiment from somebody that does not know much about the history of consoles, particularly Nintendo consoles. There has yet to be a Nintendo-made system where the best-selling party was not Nintendo; they have always overshadowed third-party developers, even on the NES and SNES (arguably their most third-party-supported consoles ever outside of the Game Boy line).

They're a very savvy company, actually, in that they don't risk everything on third-party support. Sony and MS would not fare nearly as well without their third-party titles, while Nintendo managed to do quite well for themselves without much but their own games selling well on the GameCube. Even though they didn't dominate the market, they still made out with a profit on the GameCube; just not a huge profit compared to their past (and present) consoles.

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.