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Three high profile racing games out at the moment blur, split second and modnation racers, I played on each for a short amount of time. I'm looking for a good split screen mode as I often play with my brother and a good online mode-therefore single player campaign isn't really a top priority for me. I really only have the money for 1 racing game due to all the other great games being released.

Split Second- really enjoyed the demo, but i think I may get bored of this arcade type racing style quite quickly. Has it got a long lasting appeal? and are there any notable frame rate drops in split-screen? How quick is matchmaking online?

Mod-Nation racers- really interested in the create and share aspect but I hater the fact all the cars are the same in things like acceleration and top speed. I played the demo with my brother but I didn't really enjoy the gameplay that much- however i only had a quick go so i may try again since all the reviewers say it's amazing.
I'm quite put off by the long loading times and I already have sonic racing on ps3.
Is there split screen online? Again are there, any notable frame rate drops in split-screen? How quick is matchmaking online?

Blur- had a blast playing it in store but I didn't like the breaking on it, I'm quite a good gamer but I found it really hard to turn round tight corners! Is it just me or is that part of the fun? Also is the splitscreen good since it seems like you need the whole screen to focus on all the different parts of the gameplay. Also is it true you have to complete the campaign before unlocking all the game modes online? Again- are there, any notable frame rate drops in split-screen? How quick is matchmaking online?

Please could you give me some help? thanks a ton!!