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Thats a bold statement but for that to happen it needs certain conditions that so far are not clear it will happen

Right now if the ps3 had a price cut, (lets say 50 bucks) it would go past wii in Europe and japan for certain, and sell just about the same in America as the wii, but since it doesn't have that, it will probably remain like this until that price cut actually happens if not no chance

The move launch is to close to the holidays, and on that period i dont see how ps3 can sell better than the wii, especially in america, wii is much more looked at as a gift than the ps3 or the 360, and that alone is enough to pull the wii ahead of both in the most important buying season of the year  

360 is gona bring a good fight to the wii in america for the rest of the year imo with the 360s and halo reach among other things and i thing will be very close to the wii in the holidays, but it will slow down again in europe after the 360s novelty wears off and japan is a lost cause

Wii is slowing down and slowing down fast, not that thats a bad thing it still sells great, whats is important now is to see if the slowing down will stop, and wii steadies at a good number between 150k and 200k a week, clearly it couldn't continue to break records every year  and the holidays will be crucial this year because next year if things continue like this wii will most likely be the number 2 console in america behind 360, and the number 2 in europe and japan behind the ps3 

So for me this year its very unlikely it will be outsold by the ps360 this holiday season but in 2011 its very likely it will be behind the ps360 most of the year