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I keep hearing that 'console games will go subscription based to play online' and have mixed feelings on the issue.


Hear are my thoughts...


I used to play World of Warcraft for a long time, paying the monthly subscription. I quit and now play PSN online mostly. But when I played WoW, though other MMORPG's came out, I never considered buying them as I couldnt justify paying TWO subscription fee's.

The same will happen if console online games go a subscription route. I will pick just one game and pay that subscription fee if I like it enough, and want to play it online.

But I wouldnt buy other games like I do now, as I couldnt justify paying subscription fee's to more than one.

The moral of the story, I would buy less games than I do now. If other people out there are like me, this would actually hurt their sales - if you dont buy their game, you obviously wont be paying the sub fee either.

The other problem with this, there are games out there now what people play online, but wouldnt pay to play them online. Like Transformers WFC, which is what I currently spend my online time on. But only a hand full of people play this online, usually around 2,000 users online when I play. If all those had to pay a sub fee to play it online, I believe its online user base would die completely. This would happen to most games which arent your CoD's, Halo's which have a large online userbase.


At the moment, the only game I would consider buying and paying a fee to play online, is Transformers WFC. But even that I probably wouldnt bother with, as with a small user base already it would just die, as I dont think many of those who play it online now, would pay to do so. So in effect I wouldnt buy the game (I have barely touched the 1 player).


Most games with online play I wouldnt buy anymore, and would just stick to games that focus on 1 player content. God of War, Uncharted etc.

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Ernest Hemmingway