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ughh.headache.Im just glad lordofthenight answers with the same knowledge i have -sorta- so he covers all i would say.

Bottom of the line is that wii new ips have been present, some are left to be brought overseas, some are just coming up.theres a bunch of third party offerings that have good metascores on the system and theres a lot of fun to have with it.Hell this year alone the overall wii metascore raised thanks to good ,well new received titles , and the reduction in shovelware.1-2 game more , 1 game less, doesnt makes a big difference.

Sales of some 3rd party ips have been a bit sour, but then the same is said of their HD counterparts(NMH i think was used for example?and blamed Nintendo for its sales?shouldnt the HD version bomb be blamed on MS then?Jesus.NMH obviously is not meant to sale big time anywhere and you cant blame the console maker.

take an more fair example, like the well received ,sold and introuduced to west, MH3.Or the respectable perfomance of  TVC.De blob and many other good third party titles, exclusive or not.The fact, is that they were brought to the wii.From the excellent Silent Hill (and best selling) wii version  multiplat game to the excellent exclusive DeBlob.

theres more yearly releases of third party big profile(and scoring) titles at this point in years life than the cube had.I dont see how thats going "backwards".

And now think about this:

Another thing people forget, is that "Oh new IPs".But seriously who needed more new IPS?Look at nintendo situation.They developed new ips back in the 80ths when they had almost none.Over they years they grew with more fans and gigantic support. The claim is mandatory.Nintendo HAS to keep those gazillions of Zelda and Mario fans, they gotta invest TIME AND MONEY satisfying those hungry fans.They gotta spend a lot of resources satisfying that crowd, THAT MAJORITY of 20, 30 or more millions.At the same time, they are allocating some resources to introduce new IPS in 2 systems at once. Is a hard feat, and they are still managing to push it to a decent level(just because it doesnt appeal YOU it doesnt makes it worse, specially due with endless ocean good metascore .


Now look at MS or SONY.How many great new ips they had in the 80ths?I mean huge, legendary ones. in the 90ths?in the 2k? 2?1?3? From last gen i just remember 2 really huge first party ips and some memorable ones. GOW and Halo.Few can disagree with me here.There was also Shadow of Colossus and a few hardly succesful titles.But multimillion sellers first party from them? pennys compared to Mario franchises or Zelda.

They HAD (This gen)to build a lot of recognizable franchises to step up and be attractive.While nintendo had to satisfy the already exisiting demand of current titles(they were already attractive for the first party followers). As you can see, nintendo had different responsibility. So you cant blame them for that.

1st party isnt enough, however, at least not without an attractive console. Cube had first party but lacked heavily 3rd(even shovelware helps at some point).The wii had a good selling point, motions and first party.The third party came 2 years later when the console stablished firmly.It never happened for the cube.