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TripleMMM said:

I get that Alby_da_Wolf, but their has to be some sort of balance in these materials, something that it's really lacking as someone else mentioned (everything he said in his POV and nothing else matters). Now as much as I like to see this fellow get the boot, I can't say BURN HIM in the blink of an eye, 'cause I don't know his track record. But if it's something like this now, it would be hard to see him get a chance to re-evaluelate.

Well, it seems that it's back...

Actually they toned down his title, that was totally flamebait and almost insulting, but the article is the usual nostalgic rant, you can find even more like it about PC gaming and how becoming XB 1 & 360 multiplats and, in a lesser measure even PS2 multiplats before them, dumbed down classic hardcore PC series.

The difference is that in PC case it's true and verifiable, while in Wii case it's a different and more subjective matter, not involving easily verifiable facts like dumbed down PC series: I agree that old gamers are important for Nintendo, but they are now less than 1/3 of the total, and even if Wii just reaches 100M (but I'm sure it will largely exceed that), they'll become less than 1/4, so they can't realistically demand Nintendo's exclusive attention. IMVHO, as I wrote, Nintendo must ensure it makes the majority of them happy, because they are a wonderful support for difficult times (and they help Nintendo keep a very unique identity), Nintendo has the resources to do it and their purchases will more than nicely pay the investments (not even taking into account new gamers that become fans of old Ninty series). It's as much obvious that Nintendo shouldn't even bother trying to satisfy crabby people like the writer, it would be a wasted effort, they'd complain whatever Ninty does. But who cares, and in their exaggerations Nintendo could anyway find something that it can really better, the only merit of fussy people is that besides pointless complaints, they are actually good at finding even very small flaws. BTW, when it comes to personal gaming tastes, even a die-hard Ninty fan like Malstrom manages to make a large amount of other fans mad.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
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