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HappySqurriel said:
richardhutnik said:

I am talking about a level of consumer spending used to sustain the economy.  If the amount of activity based on consumer debt isn't going to be there, then the economy isn't going to function at levels people are used to.  Hiring won't happen either.  Throw in also the home equity loans people were doing.  The vehicles to drive economic activity won't be there.  People say the government should replace this spending.  How exactly does government IOUs make things sustainable, unless the borrowing funds research (and they get lucky) or infrastructure developments that enable economic activity that hadn't happened prior?

Why not let the economy recover on its own and return to an appropriate level of consumer spending that is backed by the production of goods and services?

What if, through productivity gains from technology, and globalization that drives wages down to low levels (and forcing unemployment to remain high), consumer spending CAN'T return to the levels known prior?  Not to say the answer is more government, but there is no guarantee the solution is less government.