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Torillian said:
Viper1 said:
Boutros said:
Torillian said:

you could, but you'd have to drop Elite Beat Agents, Last Story, Endless Ocean, Trace Memory, Hotel Dusk, Glory of Heracles, and Professor Layton.

Not Xenoblade?

Nintendo owns Monolith Soft

indeed, which I'm not sure if that would define it as second party or first party.  To me it would be first since I define First Party as the developers being part of the console maker's company, second party is the console maker owning the IP but the developers are not part of the company, and third party is when the console maker takes no part in the game from a publishing or development point of view.  Others might define them differently though.

This is understood as the defintion held by most in the industry itself. 

Though there are many that completely remove the 2nd party definition and that any IP published (and is usually then owned) by the console maker is then 1st party.  I still prefer the former definitions just as you do.

The rEVOLution is not being televised