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Sales Discussion - WW Up! - View Post

The 360 sales are pretty amazing, didn't expect demand to be quite that high.

As for the Wii is doomed talk, people are overreacting. The Wii got into this same slump in 2009, this one was more or less expected. The main driver has been NSMB Wii, a game released 8 months ago, and it hasn't done its job so well in Europe / Others (sales have been low for a while). While it has done much better in America, sales have finally dropped off this month (it was twice as high weekly in June). We'll be seeing it down YoY for a while, now. The HD consoles being up only makes it look worse than it is - when the holidays come, it'll become clear again who the market leader is.

The Wii just needs more killer software, and plenty is coming this holiday. Nintendo already has pretty low expectations for the console, so I highly doubt they'd lower the price during this fiscal year.

Really, the only problematic region is Others. I'm not sure how they'll spark interest there, because if an old school 2D Mario can't do the trick, there's no way Donkey Kong, Goldeneye or Kirby would. That Vitality Sensor game needs to be their savior there.