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Sales Discussion - WW Up! - View Post

Last year we said the same: new colours, bundles and so on...did Nintendo do that? No, they just bundled Monster Hunter 3 in Japan and released a new colour (black). probably this year will be the same, with another price cut to 150$. But the problem is that the Wii is starting looking outdated even to the customers who were crazy for it 2-3 years ago...Nintendo must make a slim, elite, or what-they-call-it Wii: it would push sales more than a 50$ price cut, new colour and a bundle all combined.

But will Nintendo do that? I don't think so, maybe we'll see something if the Nintendo October summit returns this year. I hope so, I don't want to see the Wii being killed because Nintendo tried their own way, for one time they should fight their competitors, the games they're releasing will do little to nothing to the hardware...not saying it's their fault, how can you sell a console without third parties support, or with just dance-party games?

CURRENTLY PLAYING: Xenoblade (Wii), Super mario 3D land (3DS), Guild Wars (PC)