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Not surprised if its true. Avatar worked because the film was shot and designed for 3d. As opposed to most 3d films now which are simply converted. Its being flogged by the indsutry and people are going to get over it. Plus not all films in 3d really should be in my opinion.

Hollywood would have been better to do it every so often and make it an event. As it is I think the industry just saw it was another way to justify higher ticket prices and the effect of that ticket price incerase is being seen in some of the dissapointing numbers at the box office.

Plus the success of inception shows that it isn't neccesary all the time. Consumers didn't take to it in the 50's and 80's. I doubt third times the charm. The success so far seems solely attributed in many ways to the success of avatar, which would have make over a billion bucks probably done similar number to Titanic even if it wasn't in 3d.