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Oh yeah. He wrote all that stuff in his own newsletter in the 90's. Sorry, forgot to give the context. So no he wasn't talking about Islamic terrorists. He was talking about Black people.

Face it, he doesn't have a chance in hell. IF he wins the primary, which he won't, the American voting populace simply isn't going to ignore this kinda shit. If the newsmedia are getting their panties in a bunch over Obama's middle name and Hilary Clinton's LAUGH, they certainly will be frothing at the mouth for a man who accepts campaign contributions from Neo Nazis and White Supremacists, especially when he says shit like this:

"Under the headline of "Terrorist Update," for instance, Paul reported on gang crime in Los Angeles and commented, "If you have ever been robbed by a black teen-aged male, you know how unbelievably fleet-footed they can be.""

He's hanged by his own words from a million years ago. It's nice that he wants to follow pats of the Constitution, but maybe he shouldn't have been a racist beforehand.

Dennis Kucinich or Alan Keyes will get elected before Ron Paul will.