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I agree that the behavior is natural. In fact, I would think you could derive that from my past post. What I am saying is that these people have a problem that cannot be cured. If someone is attracted to small children, or children in general for that matter, there is something wrong with that person. It would be terrible enough if he was just molesting his four year old daughter, but this guy is inviting others to take part! That is sick upon sick! There are those in this world that cannot be helped. I don't care if they were molested as a child. I don't care if they came from a poor background. I don't care if their fathers locked them in broom closets. What happened to this wreched person is in the past. It cannot be taken away. What you are suggesting is that this guy be treated and put back into society. Why the hell should I have my children subjected to this piece of garbage. I am as liberal as they come, but one thing that I cannot stand, is someone who is in denile. I find no compulsion in giving these people a second chance. There are crimes of passion that I can understand to a point. I can understand people stealing because they are hooked on drugs, or poor, or hungry. I can understand people dealing Crack because they are too lazy and pathetic to get a real job. What I cannot understand, is why a person would violate the innocence of a child? Rapist fit under this same heading but that is a different rant for a different day. I hates me a rapist too. They need a bullet in the brain stem too.