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ROFL, so microsoft's strategy is to release news of the POS 360 for $300 with Kinect, but they don't want to say anything about their main Slim line, cause it will be $399.99 or $429.99, and it's smart cause this way you keep people interested by a BS price point in a way. But you lose credibility and trust from your consumers once they find they have to dish out more money.

MS is stupid and so is Sony. Sony charges $99 for the package, but the Sub-Navigation Controller isn't included? WTF they thinking, they just killed their own sales cause of it. People first will not pay attention to this fact. Second, they will get pissed and not use a controller. Third they will return it and Move will be a huge flop. They also go about pissing off their fans, and they won't get many casual gamers to hop on, just like MS with their shit box the Kinect trash bin. First Kinect, moving is easier with a controller, two, I don't want to pretend I am racing in Forza. Cannot get a pedal, cannot do so much with that garbage. What are they thinking.

Haven't they learned from Nintendo, motion gaming is about being cheap and simple. There packaging and cost make it counteractive to the cause if you ask me. See them ditch motion in two years if this isn't fixed. But Sony has the leg up, they dip their fingers in Wii buyers (moms and so forth). 360's Kinect tries to put its hands in a cookie jar for the first time, as people curious will buy it. That needs to be amazing, cause sales will die off fast after launch without game support. Kinect is looked as a "fad" until they prove otherwise. The PS3 on the otherhand will price drop this fall to $249.99 most likely and you will see a Move bundle for $349.99--Not that bad for the full thing, if only they get a Sub-Navi Controller with it with a 120, or 160 GB HDD. That price isn't bad at all, this would be the optimal strategy for Sony, IMO. Kinect prices the Slim Arcade at a high price, trying to make you think that you're getting the Kinect machine for $100, but what they won't tell you is that they originally priced the 360S-A at $149.99 and up'd the price to make more capita. It would make sense to see the main bundle for $399.99 at most, but don't be shocked if it goes for $429.99 or even $449.99!

Early adopters beware of HD motion gaming! Fads or future--You decide!