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It's been pretty interesting these past few weeks (maybe longer, only paying attention to it recently), but Wii sales have been inching lower and lower to almost the same level as at least one of the HD consoles.  Not just EMEAA but WW too.


The price cut, black wii and new bundle don't seem to be doing that much.  I'm not saying "teh wii is d00m3d", as it is still selling well, but it's surprising how much it has fallen (or how much the HD consoles have gained).  PS3 has been pretty close to Wii in both EMEAA and Japan and not that far behind in Americas.  Used to be PS360 would be about even with Wii, now it seems PS3 or 360 are about even to Wii on their own.


Not being a fanboy or anything, just noting something interesting as I used to just always just check total HD sales and compare that to Wii sales and they'd be close.  The past few months though, it seems to be no contest (and not just because of 360S and price cut, but before that too).