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Actually it doesn't end that "myth" at all. All it does is show that plenty of Wii owners keep using it with HDTVs, ignoring the fact that other consoles can look better because they personally enjoy whatever games they choose to play on the Wii. The fact that the Wii is tied with the 360 basically implies that HD support doesn't matter to them.

I think it depends on which side of the market you're dealing with. For Nintendo, who is selling Wiis faster than it can make them, adding HD support couldn't have made any difference. For them, you could argue that it doesn't matter. But for the consumers, I would argue that the fact they all have those TVs shows that higher resolution does matter to them. Not enough to dissuade them from buying the Wii, obviously, but the lack of support may well be detracting from their enjoyment of it. And if they also own one of the HD consoles, it may affect their software purchasing decisions when two similar games come out.

For the PS3/360, I've heard a whole pile of people say that these companies' decision to include HD support was a waste of time and money, because the customers don't care. That myth I think should be thoroughly debunked by this.