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Gilgamesh said:
RolStoppable said:
Gilgamesh said:

Don't know why people are expecting the 3DS to keep the handheld crown again for another generation when no one knows the competition it's rather ridiculous if I do say so myself. That's like in early 2005 some people can say the X360 is going to be the console leader because it's got good graphics and Live, and yet they know nothing about the PS3 or Wii yet, see makes no sense. Wait and see what Sony's offering first and then we'll judge.

The PSP was Sony's first handheld, they learn a lot from it and what to improve to make it better, the PSP2 is only going to be that much better, and now that Sony knows what there competition is they can do whatever they want to make it that much better then the 3DS. 

The Playstation brand is still defined through it's big games, Sony has the most first party studios then any other gaming company and they constantly pump out AAA games, Playstation is still known to have the best games, just not as much as they use to (third party games). Microsoft is moving in a different direction the Sony and Nintendo anyway with Kinect, (here's another anything can happen line) hell next gen it could be Nintendo and Microsoft competing and Sony in a different group all together or Sony and Nintendo competing and Microsoft being in a different audience. You never know :)

Difference is that the Xbox 360 was the successor to a distant second place console while the 3DS is the successor to the (soon to be) best selling video game system in history and further backed up by Nintendo's track record of dominating the portable gaming market since the very beginning. Not to mention that the 3DS will benefit from a headstart over its competition, plus being backed up by third party publishers. Gamers are very excited about the 3DS and with all odds going against Sony, how can they possibly beat Nintendo?

Sony may pump out AAA games, but how many of them are really big sellers? They only have Gran Turismo while Nintendo has several games that are even bigger than GT. The reality is, if Sony doesn't have exclusive big third party support, they have a very hard time to beat their competitors.

I know you really love the "anything can happen" line, but it's entirely possible to predict things based on things we know or at the very least it's possible to gauge the probability of an outcome. For example, the probability that Nintendo doesn't dominate the next handheld generation with the 3DS is very low. Likewise, the probability that Sony gets back on top in the home console space is also low as long as Microsoft remains in the market, because they won't allow Sony to get significant exclusive third party support again.


Obviously I don't know what Sony has up there sleeve so I can't answer how they'll beat the 3DS but saying the 3DS is going to automatically win next gen is stupid, Sony has just as much a chance. When the PSOne came out no one expected it to be as big a hit as it was, yet out of nowhere Sony comes out with a video game console and completely dominated Nintendo for over 12 years. They can easily get back on the top just like Nintendo did this gen.

The only reason why the Wii has such high sellers compared to the PS3 is because it's double the user base of the PS3 so obviously there big games would have such high sales compared to PS3's big games, and Nintendo Fanboys go nuts over Mario games. From what we've seen this generation Sony is doing just fine with there First party games, a lot of 3 million sellers is good enough they still make tons of money off sales of 3 million. Also Nintendo has pretty well no third party support for the Wii and they seems to be doing fine so why does Sony need it so bad?  exclusive third party games isn't what makes a video game console the leader.

Like I already said next gen could be completely different and Sony and Microsoft could not be in direct competition like this gen, why would history repeat itself next gen. Sony said themselves that Nintendo and Microsoft are more then likely going to come out with a next gen console before them, so they'll have plenty of time to come up with a product to take back the crown, who knows what they'll come up that the world will go nuts over, obviously there not going to do what they did this gen and they'll likely go back to there roots and come out with something interesting and affordable.

Correct if im wrong but hasnt Nintendos  games  always sold more than Sonys.