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Gilgamesh said:

Don't know why people are expecting the 3DS to keep the handheld crown again for another generation when no one knows the competition it's rather ridiculous if I do say so myself. That's like in early 2005 some people can say the X360 is going to be the console leader because it's got good graphics and Live, and yet they know nothing about the PS3 or Wii yet, see makes no sense. Wait and see what Sony's offering first and then we'll judge.

The PSP was Sony's first handheld, they learn a lot from it and what to improve to make it better, the PSP2 is only going to be that much better, and now that Sony knows what there competition is they can do whatever they want to make it that much better then the 3DS. 

The Playstation brand is still defined through it's big games, Sony has the most first party studios then any other gaming company and they constantly pump out AAA games, Playstation is still known to have the best games, just not as much as they use to (third party games). Microsoft is moving in a different direction the Sony and Nintendo anyway with Kinect, (here's another anything can happen line) hell next gen it could be Nintendo and Microsoft competing and Sony in a different group all together or Sony and Nintendo competing and Microsoft being in a different audience. You never know :)


Noone knows the competition? Its kind of obvious really as you've got in order of current market power:

1. Nintendo. (3DS)
2. Apple. (iTouch, iPhone, iPad)
3. Sony. (PSP2??)
4. Google. (Android)
5. Microsft/Nokia (Win Mobile 7 or Symbian)

You know the PS3 was Sony's third console, the N64 was Nintendos third console and the Saturn was Segas third console. Just because a company is learning and evolving doesn't assure them market position or power. Even if the PSP2 is better than the PSP it doesn't mean that its going to be better relative to the competition of the time.

If the Playstation brand is defined by the big third party games which Nintendo now has, and the critically acclaimed Sony first party games how can they compete with the critically hated Nintendo games if said Nintendo games sell in the multiples of 5M just as often as a Sony title crosses 2M? How many new 10M selling franchises has Sony made since the PS1? 0. How many 5M selling new I.P franchises has Sony made since the PS1? I think 0 as well. How many 10M selling franchises does Sony have? 1. How does Sony as a publisher compete with Nintendo when 34 of the top 50 best selling titles are Nintendo published?

There are many good reasons why the PSP2 probably can't compete with the 3DS. Sure anything could happen, but the betting folk will still say Nintendo 99/100 because.

1. 3DS is first to market with all the momentum of a system winning console and all the hype.
2. 3DS has all the major third party support.
3. 3DS is supported by Nintendo, the most prolific creater of system selling software in existance.