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I see Qays is yet another person brainwashed by the industry into believing that the Wii only sells because of its shallow "casual" games.

Wii sells because it brings gaming back to its roots, which are arcade style games with the extra BS like cutscenes, endless dialogue, and other movie features cut away. These style of games, like 2D Mario, are the games that are accessible to the most people. This is why Wii sells.

Take a look into a Gameworks or some other arcade next time you go to one. What kind of people do you generally see? It is not mostly male nerds 18-25, but rather people off all ages, both male and female. THIS is the key audience the Wii si selling to, IN ADDITION to new audiences like Wii Fit. Saying casual games is the reason for its success just shows you are not able or willing to understand the reality of what appeals to the mass market.

Most people want games that jump right into action, offer the freedom to do what you want with minimal linearity, and fast paced action. Wii offers this moreso than the HD consoles, which is why it is more successful. Most people don't WANT to play games that are trying to be movies. They want fun, and they want it NOW. Mario Kart Wii is the perfect example of a game like this, which is why it currently is one of the most successful games of all time. Same with NSMB Wii, Smash Bros, and even aspects of Wii Sports and Wii Play.

These are the TRUE games of quality in the eyes of most people. That is why I gotta laugh when people like Qays rant about" Wii gamers DON'T BUY QUALITY!!1" Well then how would YOU define quality? And what if MY definition of quality differs from yours? Who is right? There is no God of Quality out there who judges what he deems quality. The only TRUE definite way to measure quality is sales, because it shows the games are appealing to the most people. Wii accomplishes this.