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personally I find the female leads a lot better than the male ones, they tend to be deeper more well developed characters imo.

now this is a generalisation so there are exceptions but It tends to be that the male chars are the more one dimensional powerful, irresponsible, arrogant and brutal whereas female ones tend to be more emotive and give reasons for what they are doing, Even the more tongue in cheek characters like bayonetta have more emotion to their character and depth to their personality than a similar male character, say for example kratos

and don't get me started on cloud strife, the guy's pesonality is as thin as a piece of paper, lightning is a million times better developed and her motives are more well reasoned than his, cloud is not even a person whereas lightning is so vivid it feels like she could be an old friend. to be fair to square though cloud is their only bad male protagonist, most of them are great characters, though I am aware they fall well in the 'emo' bracket by western perceptions.

the thing is based on the fact that most leads in games have exceptional superpowers/training/abities, it makes no sense why gender would make any difference when looking at the suspension of disbelief between chars. A female with massive superpowers could easily be feasibly as strong as a male with similar powers (as the powers give the attributes normally, not the gender), especially if the majority of enemies do not have the same level of powers/training/ability (as is normally the case)

sorry If I sound sexist, I am a girl and I tend to stick mainly to rpg's due to the lack of depth of characters in male dominated genres like shooters (I also despise action movies on the same principle), I know I should let it be because most gaming genres are not supposed to have developed stories/characters (thats why I read Books, though to gamings credit some RPG stories are on par with book level stories) so sorry if i overstepped the mark. this is just my opinion, don't mean to sound like a horrible elitist/feminist or anything.


Favourite Games of 2013 1.Tomb Raider(PS3) 2.Atelier Ayesha(PS3) 3.Virtues Last Reward (Vita)