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Kasz216 said:
Boutros said:
Kasz216 said:
Boutros said:
Kasz216 said:
Boutros said:
jarrod said:
Boutros said:

Konami will also consider PSN sales, something you don't and that's why your post was irrelevant.

Retail is irrelevant?  News to everybody! ;)


No matter how you slice it, this is just terrible for the title. No wonder Kojima's gone running to 3DS...

Retail is not irrelevant but ignoring PSN sales and calling the game a bomb only because of retail sales is irrelevant.

Just look at the recent GTAIV DLC on PS3. It came out at retail and on the PS Store at the same time and it stayed in the PS Store top 10 for a long while. So we can't just look at the retail sales to analyze whether it was a success or not.


It's true though that the sales are not impressive.

Dude... you are seriously... SERIOUSLY reaching.  There is no way download sales would be greater then retail sales... or honestly even close.


I never said that. It's crazy how people see stuff that was never written in the first place.

You said you can't call peacewalker a bomb due to not knowing the download sales.  You can if it's obvious the download sales didn't make up for it... which they obviously didn't.

Yeah well I'd like numbers because what you think isn't necessarily the truth. You can't blame me for not trusting a forum user on the internet without a real proof :)

I just say no one knows the sales of PSP games on the PS Store. It might be bad or might be more than people think. That's why I say we can't judge just by looking at retail sales.

The same thing goes for PC sales. You can't only look at retail sales since most games are available on Steam or something else.

Er... what?  Did you or did you not say that you didn't think download sales at least matched peacewalkers sales.

Your just being illogical because you don't want to admit the game bombed... hard.

Though we do have numbers from Sony.... in a way.  Last time they mentioned digital sales they said they were less then a third of retail.  This was for the PS3... which had a much bigger harddrive.

You remind me of those people who still think OJ Simpson is innocent.  "Well nobody actually SAW him stab them!"  I'm just saying we can't judge someone unless we actually see them stabbed.

Digital download sales are going to be proportional to retail sales.

Therefore if it's a retail bomb.. it's digital download bomb.

No I didn't. You can go back and read again if you really want to prove me wrong.

Really? I'm illogical yet you're the one inventing stuff. I think you're just trying to provoke me at this point which is what I call baiting. I don't know why you're doing that. It's childish and it creates empty argumentations about irrelevant stuff.

Why would you seperate them? They go together.

I'm just being realistic as we do not have any numbers for digital sales. We includes me and you. You don't have them either unless you're working at Sony or something and you're keeping secret datas for yourself?