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irstupid said:


i'm not saying sony is being dumb or any other company doing 3D glasses.  At moment it is only viable option and only NEW upgrade really for tv's over high definition.

I am merely under belief that if 3DS didn't get announced and doesnt' become a hit, that 3DTV's with glasses would say by 2015 have a 25% penetration, still pretty small, due to expensive and most content with HD and also many dont' upgrade sooner than 10 years on tv's. 

But now with the IDEA of glasses free that 3DS will put into people heads SOME will be taken away from that 30% and now I see that 2015 figure being something like 15%.  No they are not replacing their home theatre viewing by sitting around with 3DS watching movies, they are just waiting out the technology and are totally content with HDTV's right now.  Might change quick, but right now there is like nothing in 3D, so why get a 3D tv.  The then hassle of glasses and glasses cost, not to mention the TV costs. 

this whole don't bash glasses by sony is just them goiung "oh shit, instead of selling a bunch of these FILLER tv's until we get glasses free tv's out we are going to be selling a lot less of them, due to the IDEA of glasses free"  The 3DS is not a substitute it is an idea, and that idea is what is counterconstructive towards Sony's and many other TV makers near financial future of glasses tv's.

and screw analysts, they always think some new expensive amazing technoology is somethiung tha EVERYONE will get.  they are morons.

Despite you don't like glasses, your predictions for them look more optimistic than those of most glasses lovers, except the few that think that just because they love them, everybody must. I don't like glasses, but I'm neither a glasses basher, nor a Sony hater, nethertheless I'd predict smaller percentages than you even in the best case.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW!