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irstupid said:
snfr said:

I just thought of something for a moment: just image Nintendo announces their next home console with 3D support in a few years. Now think about it for a minute... yes, you got it, you WILL NEED GLASSES! I know something for sure... Nintendo-only fans will praise Nintendo and say that glasses are ok. (btw: I consider myself a Sony AND Nintendo fan)

Funny... isn't it.

Seriously, that's the reason why they shouldn't bash glasses. Of course I don't think Sony should complain about that because they bash other companies and things as well (motion controls a few years ago, for example), but that's how PR works today, it seems...

i will never praise glasses, if their new consoles supports 3D i am still not goiung to have a 3DTV until it is glasses free

and your wrong on your point, nintendo would not be promoting/supporting 3D glasses, they would be supporting just 3D.  How you view that 3D is up to you.  Sony on other hand MAKES 3DTV's and GLASSES, thus they promote them.

Bolded: Well, seems there are still reasonable people. Anyway, I don't have a problem with glasses right now and I won't have one in the future.

But you're second point is not fully correct. If they support 3D they automatically support 3D with glasses. That's simply because you won't be able to buy 3D TVs which don't require glasses on the mass market and these will still have the problem of the viewing angle (you have to sit exactly in the right viewing angle). The technology that is used for the 3DS is already used in TVs, Sony knows about that technology as well just as every other TV manufacturer, but with these problems you just can't promote them right (it would actually be stupid).

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