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snfr said:

I just thought of something for a moment: just image Nintendo announces their next home console with 3D support in a few years. Now think about it for a minute... yes, you got it, you WILL NEED GLASSES! I know something for sure... Nintendo-only fans will praise Nintendo and say that glasses are ok. (btw: I consider myself a Sony AND Nintendo fan)

Funny... isn't it.

Seriously, that's the reason why they shouldn't bash glasses. Of course I don't think Sony should complain about that because they bash other companies and things as well (motion controls a few years ago, for example), but that's how PR works today, it seems...

i will never praise glasses, if their new consoles supports 3D i am still not goiung to have a 3DTV until it is glasses free

and your wrong on your point, nintendo would not be promoting/supporting 3D glasses, they would be supporting just 3D.  How you view that 3D is up to you.  Sony on other hand MAKES 3DTV's and GLASSES, thus they promote them.