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shams said:
a.l.e.x59 said:
69.1% on Game Rankings. Sorry, I am not allowed to play it. I wont touch anything under 80%. Nope... Well... Maybe I'll let the Mario Party games through... And Sonic 3D Blast... That game was cool... And maybe a few others... Whatever... I don't really care... But nothing else... Well... There was this one other... No, wait, no... Nope... Nothing else... Yeah... Well, look at the time... I best be going... Ha, ha...

This is definitive proof to me that the review system has become obsolete and irrelevant.

Although *some* people could argue that the game is a 7 - it should be averaging around 8 - 8.5.

Too many reviewers play games like M&S with a preconceived idea of it, don't think about the target market, try to rush through it as a single player experience, etc.


Then again, these are the same people that gave Mario Party 8 a 5 (i.e. IGN). Mario Party 8 is sitting on 64% on gamerankings - and we all know how well that has done.

M&S probably deserves to be 5-10% better than MP8, so from that perspective - it makes sense.

Hey, like they say. Good living is the best revenge. From the numbers it seems Mario and Sonic are pulling that off. Videogame reviewers really do seem to lack an ability to look outside themselves and often review games as how they liked it... as opposed to how the people who are meant to see it would like it. I think the problem lies in that they mostly get games they actually like to review, so if they have no "Party Games" guy or "Strategy RPG" guy... these niche genres suffer in the review circles. While "FPS" guy can give like every FPS a great score compared to other games because it's his favorite genre and everyone can afford a FPS guy. They arn't used to being like Movie critics like Ebert. I mean Ebert see's EVERY movie, and he gives it a rating based on how the target audience would like it. He doesn't review for example, Shrek 3 the same as he would review I Am Legend and he doesn't rate that the same way as he would Sweeny Todd. He rates each for the average consumer of that product... while most game reviwers seem to think there is only one kind of person who buys games. Someone just like them.