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@ Pokeclaudel Ahh i found the video, mind telling me where you saw Nathan Drake pulling this feat off? In some cases dudes win but in many cases chicks win, and this is one of em, Lara eats Nathan for breakfast, if you actualy compare their movements Nathan Drake has a clumsy way of making jumps and what not and he often times just barely escapes falling or death, Lara definately has more grace and is much more acrobatic.

Agreed.  Nathan ripped 90% of his moves from Lara in Tomb Raider Legend but by Anniversary, she'd kicked it up a notch again.   I've played Legend multiple times on the PS2, 360, and PSP (100% each time!) and I've played Underworld from start to finish at least five times on the 360.  I only played Uncharted 1 and 2 to completion, once.