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There wont be any shock and awe from the people who go in to Best buy and demo it out because they were at the wii demo station 4 years and 10 minutes before and they would like to see something more in enticing. It will sell when the wiis are all sold out and then on christmahanakwansika their kid will cry and scream," I wanted the wii!!" Then the parent and child either return it or enjoy it (hopefully the latter.) But all in all if this was supposed to be targeted at new playstation 3 purchusers, then they would have to put Kevin Butler through hell in marketing the crap out of this because even though nintendo sold a lot of wiis, the people would only rather pay only $200 dollars to play sports games instead of getting better graphics for double the cost.

don't waste time

3DS FC 4914-3563-4510

NNID : turtuls