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I_hate_Itagaki said:
haxxiy said:

Well inside a hardcore gaming culture were 90% of consumers are males (or females who want to be males), I think it is somewhat expected female protagonist to be generally badly received. Having somewhat studied psychology (and having my mother as one), I can say that most people forge a link with the protagonists, projecting themselves into the characters, and many are unconfortable on seeing themselves as a woman. On the other side, some people are OK with the same 'bond' and others simply lack this kind of relation with protagonists.

Some need of masculine identity reassuring deep in their minds? Possibly, since a great part of gamers have their sexuality somewhat repressed since they are called 'nerds' and thus face dificulties trying to find a mate. I can also smell a hint of misogyny in the whole thing. Look at TV. Two thirds of people there are still men even if genders are divided 50-50 in our species. Both men and women alike could very well perceive something wrong with female protagonists even if they can't point out exactly what are the sources of such a feeling.

Plus there is the physical strength issue. Woman are physically weaker if you are talking about muscles... but a character could focus on something else than brute force, right? Why a female character could not be something like a spy, or a magic user protagonist? Because or man-driven culture simply tries to ignore activities that lack physical strength, even in videogames. Anyways and besides that, most videogame characters are already powered beyond the ridicule (yes, I'm looking at you, Kratos), but still it becomes harder to suspend the disbelief when woman are involved.

In the end, the whole society and the culture built before and around us seems to blame for the absolute lack of equilibrium of genders in gaming. All of this sounds a bit like historical materialism with genders instead of social classes, and that's exactly the case here. Like I said before, is the differences of strength among male and female humans. But that should not be an excuse for sexism and such.

I agree with you, and I'm happy I'm not like these typical gamers. I mean, come on, you don't need to link with your characters. When I play a game, I'm playing X character story, not mine! Talking about muscles and strength, I can understand that Marcus Pheonix is stonger than Sherry Birkin, but common JRPGs devellopers put considerable stronger strength stats to emo kids. I mean, they are little faggots, put the same stats if they have the same muscles! Same thing for common anime. A thing about masculine identity, I think playing as Kratos (a big muscled oiled man in a tiny suit) is worse for the 'masculine identity' of those nerds than playing as Bayonetta (even if I dislike her), you know what I mean?

It's just a variable they put into the engine.  For stats really. Maybe they should put technique in instead or whatever (though Bioware games have you level up techniques and I guess final fantasy as well.) Say you have a gun. Strength matters little, in how it kills if you can pick it up and use, yes heavy guns are hard to pick up. Same with a sword. You can wack someone really hard and not know how to use a sword and you cant cut shit. But if your not as strong, but you know how. You can cut better, than a dumb strong idiot. Not to mention you'll fight better.

really though, JRPG's and gears of war aren't realistic. So it's kinda i dunno