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joeorc said:
WilliamWatts said:
joeorc said:
WilliamWatts said:

Plasma screens cost over $100,000 at one point. The price will of course come down and the quality of the screens will of course improve over time. The point people are making is that by the time enough 3D content becomes available there will be better screen technologies to take advantage of the content. At the very least passive glass 3DTVs using polarised displays will probably become relatively mainstream far sooner. Its better to wait and get the right technology with content to play than buy an early 3DTV which will become obsolete very quickly with little content to watch in the mean-time.

an this is exactly the same reason that has been running through this thread:

the 3DS show's consumer's no need for Glasses when the 3DS does not need it and consumer's will just wait for it...

the problem is their going to be waiting a hell of a long time!

the effect's of passive also have problem's, too dark, and resolution once again suffer's.

just think as an example to get 1080p resolution out of the same type of Technology that the 3DS uses, the screen in Question would need a 4k resolution!

the entire screen has to be modified you just cannot up the refresh rate..that is one of the advantages of Active shutter. those glasses will be far cheaper in the next couple of year's before even the glimmer of glassless 3D in Home theatre even become's a viable solution to even start to get to that level of price.

it's not that the companies cannot do it. it's the fact that they cannot offer it at a price the main consumer would need it to be in order the be a solution to glassless.Not Now other than small screen's and not for quite a while..this is the very same thing with new Holographic disc format's the disc's are very expensive, but the drive cost's are way up there and have been for quite some time.


This is all very early-stage stuff, and in an area littered with previous attempts to bring multi-hundred gigabyte holographic disks and drives to market. It hasn't happened yet but there are people, like the InPhase rescuers, and Pavel himself, who sincerely hold the holographic faith. Good luck to them. ®

passive has it's own problem's to contend with more so than even the parallax barrier that is in the 3DS

The consumer has two options.

1. Get a 3DTV now, and not watch any content in 3D because theres hardly any made for 3D.

2. Wait.

I think waiting is of course the better bet. It'll take a hell of a long time for good content to come out on 3D anyway.Its like all those people who skipped buying a PS3 until 2008 or later, they didn't miss much.

In any case the pixel density on the large format autostereoscopic screens isn't too bad. Its still not higher than a PC monitor.

An you do not think that 3D content is going to be invested into by network's for Sport's?

your trying to point to a IDEA that people in the majority are going to do that over the IDEA that the 3DS is showing the consumer to just wait that the glassless Technology will be released soon because the 3DS will force the other manuf's, to Do it because of very limited consumer interest in 3D if there is glasses still needed.

the Problem like everything is How it's looked at. Even if the 3DS get's people the Notion to think about waiting. but still even after 3 year's still no glassless tech, and still the Home Theatre TV's are still using Shutter and so is the Theatre's are also. Not to mention More TV station's broadcasting their content in 3D. what then?

the Problem even 3 year's from now Even when the 3DS is on the Market selling very well, Which In my Opinion it will sell very well and may indeed break the DS's record sales. It will still not change the landscape in Home theatre's direction of halting the progress of Active shutter, for the simple fact the Glassless solution is anywhere from 5 to 10 year's away and that's being optimistic about it.

The Consumer Has the Buy Power , yes but if that is the only Product availiable and no other alternitive other than the 3DS. The 3DS is fine an dandy for portible on the Move but it's not going to change the fact that it's not the same as the Home Theatre Market.

IF all the main manuf. and there are many are pushing Active shutter and will infact be for the next 5 to 10 year's. the Consumer only has the choice to buy or not buy it, but I doubt very much the Home Theatre market is going to sit out on great 3D content for that length of Time when somthing Like for Example the Super Bowl is being broadcasted in 3D!, That Alone will get people interested in it since by that time, Let's say 3 year's like your Example..Active shutter will be cheaper and if many on here still think the Glassless is going to be a viable mass market price over Active shutter by then Even 3 year's from now, than i do not know what to Tell you.


quick question

how often do people upgrade their TV's?

Cause haven't we just all upgraded out TV's to HD recently, Why are we going to spend a couple grand on a 3DTV now when we didn't even spend that much upgrading to our current HDTV not to long ago?

I dont' expect to buy a new TV for at least 5 years, most likely longer.  Hell probably 10 years, my tv's last longer than my consolesl generations do i bet easy.    And I bet majority of people wait even longer than I do, I have seen around at most peoples houses and was amazed at how long most keep thier tv's,  it is at least 10 .  I don't the majority of people even consider buying a new TV until 10 years go by.